Even though it feels very much like Spring as I write this post, it is still Winter in the Philadelphia area. Winter hiking can be a bit challenging sometimes, because it's always slippery. When I hike in slippery and icy conditions, I always add extra traction to my boots. Last winter when I was working on revising the latest edition of 60 Hikes, I took a trip out to Ringing Rocks County Park to see the waterfall in all of its frozen glory. It was stunning. Slippery as hell, but stunning.
So, for those Winter days when you need some fresh air and want to head outside, here are a few of my favorite winter hiking spots to find icicles. If you go, use extreme caution.
Ringing Rocks County Park -- Located in Upper Bucks County, the boulder field is the main attraction. If path is frozen, it is unadvisable to hike without adding traction to your shoes.
Wissahickon Valley Park -- This park is a jewel of Philadelphia and is often glowing with moss in the Winter. Wherever there are outcroppings of boulders and rocks, keep your eyes peeled for icicles galore.
Valley Forge National Historic Park -- This park has miles of paths to walk as you look at the miles and miles of historic open green space. It is a delightful any time of year.
Rocky Run Trail @ Wawa Preserve -- This park is a nice place to walk when the snow is packed down. It's quiet and follows a scenic creek.