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Favorite Field Guides

A monarch butterfly drinks nectar on an aster.

When I was a kid, I loved field guides. Even before I could read and fully understand the words, I would just flip through them to study the pictures. As an adult, I still love field guides. I consult them regularly to learn the human-given names of the organisms I encounter. I truly believe that when we learn the names of organisms, we inherently start to care more about them. With a changing world, it’s imperative that we learn more about the natural world around us so that it will help us care more about all of our shared future on this green planet. Check out some of my favorite field guides. Just a note, that if you click on the links and make a purchase, I’ll earn some money at no additional cost to you.

Sibley Guide to Birds

The Sibley Guide to Birds book cover.

David Sibley’s guide books are amazing. Sibley’s Guide to Birds is the definitive guide to identifying feathered friends. There are several versions of the book, but the one I use all the time is the East Coast edition. The Sibley Guide to Birds covers the continental United States.

The book contains drawings of the birds in different stages of growth, so it will help you understand if you are seeing a juvenile or adult, male or female. The field guide also tells you geographically the birds tend to be seen. It’s user friendly and beautiful to look at.

Sibley Tree Book

Butterflies of the Northeast

Wildflowers of the Northeast

Garden Bugs & Insects of the Northeast: Identify Pollinators, Pests, and Other Garden Visitors

Field Guide to Wild Mushrooms of Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic

Rocks & Minerals of North America

Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians

Insects Golden Guide

Wild Philly


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